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Winning Souls for Jesus

India New Hope Intl. Ministries

Giving back to the community

Feeding the Poor

Educating Children

Establishing Schools

Empowering Pastors

Planting Churches


India New Hope International Ministries, better known as "In Him" is an institution of love in action. Our mission is to win souls across India with the participation of friends across the globe. We hope to share blessings through biblical truths and practical acts of compassion. To help just one person in need, by radiating the light of new hope in their lives, is the heart beat of our mission. We specialize in church planting, establishing schools, hosting medical camps, and spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ.



"Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord,
    and he will reward them for what they have done."

Proverbs 19:17


Pastor Varughese Thomas​
Rev. Renn Law

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